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<i>Proceedings of IEEE Complexity 2006</i>, 2006.
<i>Proceedings of IEEE Complexity 2006</i>, 2006.
arXiv:[http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0510230 quant-ph/0510230].
arXiv:[http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0510230 quant-ph/0510230].
<span id="aar10" style="color:maroon">[Aar10]</span>
S. Aaronson.
BQP and the Polynomial Hierarchy,
<i>Proceedings of ACM STOC 2010</i>.
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S. Aaronson.
PDQP/qpoly = ALL,
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<span id="aboe08" style="color:maroon">[ABOE08]</span>
D. Aharonov, M. Ben-Or, E. Eban.
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S. Aaronson, S. Beigi, A. Drucker, B. Fefferman and P. Shor.
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The power of unentanglement
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<i>Theory of Computing</i>, 5(1):1-42, 2009
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<span id="abf94" style="color:maroon">[ABF+94]</span>
<span id="abf94" style="color:maroon">[ABF+94]</span>
Line 129: Line 143:
See also "A compendium of NP optimization problems" (P. Crescenzi and V. Kann, eds.),
See also "A compendium of NP optimization problems" (P. Crescenzi and V. Kann, eds.),
[http://www.nada.kth.se/~viggo/wwwcompendium/ http://www.nada.kth.se/~viggo/wwwcompendium/].
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<span id="acjr21" style="color:maroon">[ACJ+21]</span>
M. Arenas, L. A. Croquevielle, R. Jayaram, and C. Riveros. #NFA admits an FPRAS: Efficient Enumeration, Counting, and Uniform Generation for Logspace Classes.
<i>Journal of the ACM</i> 68(6):48:1-48:40, 2021.
<span id="adh97" style="color:maroon">[ADH97]</span>
<span id="adh97" style="color:maroon">[ADH97]</span>
Line 139: Line 157:
Two theorems on random polynomial time.
Two theorems on random polynomial time.
FOCS 78.
FOCS 78.
<span id="ad14" style="color:maroon">[AD14]</span>
S. Aaronson and A. Drucker.
A Full Characterization of Quantum Advice,
<i>SIAM Journal on Computing</i> 43(3):1131–1183, 2014.
arXiv:[https://arxiv.org/abs/1004.0377 1004.0377].
<span id="afm01" style="color:maroon">[AFM01]</span>
<span id="afm01" style="color:maroon">[AFM01]</span>
Line 144: Line 168:
Computational depth,
Computational depth,
<i>Proceedings of IEEE Complexity'01</i>, pp. 266-273, 2001.
<i>Proceedings of IEEE Complexity'01</i>, pp. 266-273, 2001.
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Line 164: Line 188:
<span id="agk07" style="color:maroon">[AGK07]</span>
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D. Aharonov, D. Gottesman, and J. Kempe;stad.
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Line 199: Line 224:
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B. Applebaum, Y. Ishai, and E. Kushilevitz.
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Line 210: Line 235:
V. Arvind and P. Kurur.
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Graph isomorphism is in SPP,
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S. Aaronson and G. Kuperberg.
S. Aaronson and G. Kuperberg.
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Line 384: Line 417:
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Looking for an Analogue of Rice's Theorem in Circuit Complexity Theory.
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Line 832: Line 894:
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R. Canetti.
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R. Chang, B. Chor, O. Goldreich, J. Hartmanis, J. H&aring;stad, D. Ranjan, and P. Rohatgi.
Wojciech Czerwiński and Łukasz Orlikowski
The random oracle hypothesis is false,
Reachability in vector addition systems is Ackermann-complete,
<i>Journal of Computer and System Sciences</i> 49(1):24-39, 1994.
<i>Proceedings of the 62nd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science</i>, pages 1229–1240, 2022
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<span id="can96" style="color:maroon">[Can96]</span>
J.-Y. Cai, V. Chakaravarthy, L. Hemaspaandra, and M. Ogihara.
R. Canetti.
Some Karp-Lipton-type theorems based on S<sub>2</sub>,
More on BPP and the polynomial-time hierarchy,
University of Rochester Computer Science Technical Report TR-759, November 2001.
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<span id="cs12" style="color:maroon">[CS12]</span>
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R. Chang, B. Chor, O. Goldreich, J. Hartmanis, J. H&aring;stad, D. Ranjan, and P. Rohatgi.
The random oracle hypothesis is false,
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B. Chapman and R. Williams.
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A. Chattopadhyay, J. Tor&aacute;n, F. Wagner.
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X. Chen and X. Deng
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A. M. Childs, R. Cleve, E. Deotto, E. Farhi, S. Gutmann, and D. A. Spielman.
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Line 898: Line 992:
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<i>Theoretical Informatics and Applications</i> 35(3):259, 2001.
<i>Theoretical Informatics and Applications</i> 35(3):259, 2001.
<span id="cf91" style="color:maroon">[CF91]</span>
J.-Y. Cai and M. Furst.
PSPACE survives constant-width bottlenecks,
<i>International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science</i> 2(1):67-76, 1991.
Line 934: Line 1,023:
M. Crasmaru, C. Gla&szlig;er, K. W. Regan, and S. Sengupta.
M. Crasmaru, C. Gla&szlig;er, K. W. Regan, and S. Sengupta.
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<span id="ch89" style="color:maroon">[CH89]</span>
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Line 1,109: Line 1,198:
<span id="dam90" style="color:maroon">[Dam90]</span>
<span id="dam90" style="color:maroon">[Dam90]</span>
C. Damm.
C. Damm.
Problems complete for L,
Problems complete for ⊕L,
<i>Information Processing Letters</i> 36:247-250, 1990.
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[https://doi.org/10.1016/0020-0190(90)90150-V doi:10.1016/0020-0190(90)90150-V]
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C. Damm.
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<span id="dc89" style="color:maroon">[DC89]</span>
<span id="dc89" style="color:maroon">[DC89]</span>
Line 1,116: Line 1,211:
Complexity theory of parallel time and hardware,
Complexity theory of parallel time and hardware,
<i>Information and Computation</i> 80:205-226, 1989.
<i>Information and Computation</i> 80:205-226, 1989.
[https://doi.org/10.1016/0890-5401(89)90009-6 doi:10.1016/0890-5401(89)90009-6]
<span id="ddp98" style="color:maroon">[DDP+98]</span>
<span id="ddp98" style="color:maroon">[DDP+98]</span>
Line 1,121: Line 1,217:
Image density is complete for non-interactive SZK,
Image density is complete for non-interactive SZK,
<i>Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP)</i>, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 784-795, 1998.
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[https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0055102 doi:10.1007/BFb0055102]
(Note: Some results in the paper were later retracted.)
(Note: Some results in the paper were later retracted.)
Line 1,126: Line 1,223:
M. I. Dekhtyar.
M. I. Dekhtyar.
On the relativization of deterministic and nondeterministic complexity classes,
On the relativization of deterministic and nondeterministic complexity classes,
<i>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science</i>, pp. 255-259, Springer LNCS 45, 1976.
<i>Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science</i> (MFCS '76), pp. 255-259, Springer LNCS 45, 1976.
[https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-07854-1_183 doi:10.1007/3-540-07854-1_183]
<span id="dgpv20" style="color:maroon">[DGPV20]</span>
P. Dixon, S. Gayen, A. Pavan, N. V. Vinodchandran.
Perfect Zero Knowledge: New Upperbounds and Relativized Separations,
<i>Theory of Cryptography Conference</i> (TCC '20), pp. 768, 2020.
[https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-64375-1_24 doi:10.1007/978-3-030-64375-1_24]
<span id="df97" style="color:maroon">[DF97]</span>
<span id="df97" style="color:maroon">[DF97]</span>
Line 1,132: Line 1,237:
Threshold dominating sets and an improved characterization of W[2],
Threshold dominating sets and an improved characterization of W[2],
<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i> 189, 1997.
<i>Theoretical Computer Science</i> 189, 1997.
[https://doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3975(97)00101-1 doi:10.1016/S0304-3975(97)00101-1]
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<span id="df99" style="color:maroon">[DF99]</span>
Line 1,137: Line 1,243:
<i>Parameterized Complexity</i>,
<i>Parameterized Complexity</i>,
Springer-Verlag Monographs in Computer Science, 1999.
Springer-Verlag Monographs in Computer Science, 1999.
[https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-0515-9 doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-0515-9]
<span id="dft96" style="color:maroon">[DFT96]</span>
<span id="dft96" style="color:maroon">[DFT96]</span>
Line 1,142: Line 1,249:
On the parameteric complexity of relational database queries and a sharper characterization of W[1],
On the parameteric complexity of relational database queries and a sharper characterization of W[1],
<i>Combinatorics, Complexity, and Logic</i>, Proceedings of DMTCS'96, Springer-Verlag, pp. 194-213, 1996.
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The Landscape of Communication Complexity Classes,
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Line 1,488: Line 1,651:
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A Sperner lemma complete for PPA,
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Line 1,608: Line 1,783:
Communication Complexity of Set-Disjointness for All Probabilities,
Communication Complexity of Set-Disjointness for All Probabilities,
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S. Gharibian, and J. Yirka.
The complexity of estimating local physical quantities,
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Line 1,613: Line 1,793:
Another proof that BPP subseteq PH (and more),
Another proof that BPP subseteq PH (and more),
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M. Göös, A. Hollender, S. Jain, G. Maystre, W. Pires, R. Robere, R. Tao
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===== H =====
===== H =====
Line 1,769: Line 1,955:
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Testing product states, quantum Merlin-Arthur games and tensor optimisation,
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R. Impagliazzo, V. Kabanets, and A. Wigderson.
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In search of an easy witness: exponential time vs. probabilistic polynomial time,
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[https://www.cs.sfu.ca/~kabanets/Research/ikw.html Author's website version]
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Line 1,853: Line 2,043:
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R. Impagliazzo and P. Moser.
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A zero-one law for RP and derandomization of AM if NP is not small,
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    |srcdetail=48-52. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2003
Originally appeared as "A zero one law for RP" in [https://doi.org/10.1109/CCC.2003.1214409 IEEE CCC 2003].
<span id="Imp95" style="color:maroon">[Imp95]</span>
R. Impagliazzo.
    |title=A personal view of average-case complexity
A personal view of average-case complexity,
    |authors=R. Impagliazzo
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[https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/SCT.1995.514853 doi:10.1109/SCT.1995.514853]
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[https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~russell/average.ps Author's website version]
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<span id="imm82" style="color:maroon">[Imm82]</span>
N. Immerman.
N. Immerman.
Relational queries computable in in polynomial time.
Relational queries computable in in polynomial time.
<i>14th ACM STOC Symp. (1987), 86-104</i>
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[https://doi.org/10.1016/S0019-9958(86)80029-8 doi:10.1016/S0019-9958(86)80029-8]
Originally appeared in [https://doi.org/10.1145/800070.802187 STOC 1982].
[https://people.cs.umass.edu/~immerman/pub/RelationalQueriesSTOC82.pdf Author's website conference version]
<span id="imm83" style="color:maroon">[Imm83]</span>
<span id="imm83" style="color:maroon">[Imm83]</span>
N. Immerman.
N. Immerman.
Languages That Capture Complexity Classes
Languages That Capture Complexity Classes
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Originally appeared as "Languages Which Capture Complexity Classes" in [https://doi.org/10.1145/800061.808765 STOC 1983].
[https://people.cs.umass.edu/~immerman/pub/capture.pdf Author's website version]
<span id="imm88" style="color:maroon">[Imm88]</span>
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Line 1,886: Line 2,079:
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<i>SIAM Journal on Computing</i>, 17:935-938, 1988.
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Originally appeared in [https://doi.org/10.1109/SCT.1988.5270 SCT 1988]
[https://people.cs.umass.edu/~immerman/pub/space.pdf Author's website version]
<span id="imm89" style="color:maroon">[Imm89]</span>
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Expressibility and Parallel Complexity
Expressibility and Parallel Complexity
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[https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~russell/moni.ps Author's website version]
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Line 2,633: Line 2,972:
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[[Category:Computational Complexity]]
[[Category:Computational Complexity]]

Revision as of 08:37, 29 May 2024

Main Zoo - Complexity Garden - Zoo Glossary - Zoo References

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